Political activism


Helmut Brandstätter im conversation, 2022

Dialog im Kamptal, "Helmut Brandstätter in conversarion", December 19th 2022



The ninth dialogue took place on 19 December. It was the second edition of the salon "Personalities in conversation". Helmut Brandstätter, politician of NEOS and former publisher and editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper Kurier presented his current book "Heilung für eine verstörte Republik", and discussed domestic political problems and possible solutions. As foreign policy spokesman for his party he also devoted a large part of the evening to European politics, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the question of Austria's role within it, as well as the question of neutrality and security-military discussions.


The dialogue included:

* Helmut Brandstätter, member of the National Council of Austria, former publisher and editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper Kurier


Newspaper links

I, Bezirk Horn: "Helmut Brandstätter im Gespräch" - Horn (meinbezirk.at)

II, Landtagswahl 2023 - Zitternberg: Ehrlichkeit in Politik wichtig - NÖN.at (noen.at)

Karl von Habsburg - 100 years Paneuropa, 2022

Rainhard Kloucek, Matthias Laurenz Gräff, Georgia Kazantzidu, Karl von Habsburg (photo private)
Rainhard Kloucek, Matthias Laurenz Gräff, Georgia Kazantzidu, Karl von Habsburg

Dialog im Kamptal, "Karl von Habsburg - 100 years Paneuropa", March 9th 2022



Premiere of the salon "European Cooperation". The speaker at the event was Karl von Habsburg, head of the former Holy Roman Empire and Austrian imperial family Habsburg, President of the Paneuropean Movement Austria. The event was moderated by Rainhard Kloucek, Secretary General of the Austrian Paneuropean Movement. The event was held under the following aspects: "100 Years of Paneurope", the oldest European unification movement and the historically grown area of Central Europe. What Paneurope can contribute to European unification and what can be learned from the historical idea of Central Europe. Important geopolitical issues such as current Russian politics and the invasion of Ukraine were also discussed on the podium.


The dialogue included:

* Karl von Habsburg, President of the Pan-European Movement Austria, Vice-President of the Pan-European Union

* Rainhard Kloucek, Secretary General of the Pan-European Movement Austria, Member of the Board of the Paneuropa Union


Newspaper links

I, Zitternberg - Dialog im Kamptal: Der Tyrann im Fokus - NÖN.at (noen.at)

II, Dialog im Kamptal: Karl Habsburg bei 100 Jahre Paneuropa - Horn (meinbezirk.at)

Importance of the judiciary and the Austrian constitution, 2021

Werner Groiß, Wolfgang Brandstetter, Georgia Kazantzidu, Matthias Laurenz Gräff (photo private)
Werner Groiß, Wolfgang Brandstetter, Georgia Kazantzidu, Matthias Laurenz Gräff

Dialog im Kamptal, "Importance of the judiciary and the Austrian constitution", 26th October 2021



Premiere of the salon "Personalities in conversation". This time the dialogue dealt with the subject of the Austrian judiciary on the occasion of the socio-political topicality as well as under the aspect of "101 Years of the Austrian Federal Constitution". The former Austrian vice chancellor, minister of justice and constitutional judge Wolfgang Brandstetter devoted himself extensively to the independence of the judiciary, the trust and fairness of the Austrian courts and their administration of justice.


The dialogue included:

* Vizekanzler aD Wolfgang Brandstetter, former Vice Chancellor of Austria, Minister of justice, constitutional judge, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law at the University Vienna

* presenter Werner Groiß, former member of the Austrian parliament


Newspaper links

I, Dialog im Kamptal - Wolfgang Brandstetter „Bin zufrieden mit unserer Verfassung“ - NÖN.at (noen.at)


II), DIALOG IM Kamptal mit Wolfgang Brandstetter: "Stellenwert der Gerichtsbarkeit und der Österreichischen Verfassung" - Horn (meinbezirk.at)

NEOS, 2021

Indra Collini, Georgia Kazantzidu, Helmut Hofer-Gruber, Matthias Laurenz Gräff, Bernd Pinzer (photo private)
Indra Collini, Georgia Kazantzidu, Helmut Hofer-Gruber, Matthias Laurenz Gräff, Bernd Pinzer

Dialog im Kamptal, "NEOS", September 23th 2021



Premiere of the salon "Parties in Conversation". The content was the presentation of NEOS Party in Lower Austria, its content, ideas and goals. These are clean politics, against political and economic corruption, transparency in contracts and equal opportunities in the field of education.


The event included:

* Indra Collini, NEOS Lower Austria spokeswoman and club chairwoman, member of the Landtag of Lower Austria

* Helmut Hofer-Gruber, NEOS member of the Landtag of Lower Austria

* presenter Bernd Pinzer, NEOS club director of Lower Austria


Newspaper link

I, Dialog im Kamptal - Zitternberg: „Vorbilder werden dringend gesucht!“ - NÖN.at (noen.at)

Our Europe. Who are we, where are we from and where are we going?, 2020

Sebastian Prinz von Schoenaich-Carolath, Helmut Brandstätter, Erhard Busek, Georgia Kazantzidu, Willi Mernyi, Matthias Laurenz Gräff, Daniel Lohninger
Sebastian Prinz von Schoenaich-Carolath, Helmut Brandstätter, Erhard Busek, Georgia Kazantzidu, Willi Mernyi, Matthias Laurenz Gräff, Daniel Lohninger

Dialog im Kamptal, "Unser Europa. Wer sind wir, woher kommen wir und wohin gehen wir?" (Our Europe. Who are we, where are we from and where are we going?) , september 28th 2020 at Gräff's Art Studio   (link)


This event included:

* Vizekanzler aD Erhard Busek (ÖVP, former Vice chancellor of Austria) 

* H.E. Ambassador Sebastian Prinz von Schoenaich-Carolath (Sovereign Ordre of Malta) 

* Helmut Brandstätter (NEOS, member of the Austrian parliament) 

* Willi Merny (Mauthausen-Komitee Austria) 

* Daniel Lohninger (chief reporter of the NÖN) 


Newspaper link

I, https://www.noen.at/horn/zitternberg-dialog-im-kamptal-eu-braucht-bildung-gars-am-kamp-print-diskussion-bildung-solidaritaet-226236946

Dialogue of books - Finding common ground, 2020

Georg Vetter, Matthias Laurenz Gräff, Georgia Kazantzidu, Karin Kneissl und Michael Breisky
Georg Vetter, Matthias Laurenz Gräff, Georgia Kazantzidu, Karin Kneissl und Michael Breisky

Dialog im Kamptal, "Dialog der Bücher - Das Gemeinsame finden" (Dialogue of books - Find common ground), september 12th 2020 at Gräff's Art Studio   (link)


This event included:

* BM aD Karin Kneissl (former Austrian minister of Foreign Affairs)

* H.E. Ambassador Michael Breisky (former Austrian ambassador to Ireland, Top diplomat of Austria

* Georg Vetter (former member of the Austrian parliament)


Newspaper link

I, https://www.meinbezirk.at/horn/c-regionauten-community/dialog-der-buecher-das-gemeinsame-finden-mit-bm-ad-karin-kneissl_a4256193

Politics and Diplomacy in the 21st century, 2020

Philipp Jauernik, Hannes Swoboda, Matthias Laurenz Gräff, Emil Brix, Georgia Kazantzidu, Eric Frey
Philipp Jauernik, Hannes Swoboda, Matthias Laurenz Gräff, Emil Brix, Georgia Kazantzidu, Eric Frey

Dialog im Kamptal, "Politik und Diplomatie im 21. Jahrhundert" (Politics and Diplomacy in the 21st century), january 27th 2020 at Gräff's Art Studio   (link)


This event included:

* H.E. Ambassador Emil Brix (Director of the Diplomatic Academy Vienna, Top diplomat of Austria

* MEP ret. Hannes Swoboda (former president of the Socialists and Democrats in the european parliament)

* Philipp Jauernik (member of the Paneuropa Union Austria Board)

* presenter Eric Frey (columnist Der Standard)


Newspaper links

I, https://www.noen.at/horn/dialog-im-kamptal-friede-zentrales-thema-in-zitternberg-gars-am-kamp-dialog-im-kamptal-190675226

II, https://www.meinbezirk.at/krems/c-politik/politik-diplomatie-im-21-jahrhundert-mit-hochkaraetigen-gaesten_a3902583


Dialogue in Kamptal - Bring Politics closer, 2019

Josef Wiesinger, Martina Diesner-Wais, Martin Litschauer, Günter Steindl, Georgia Kazantzidu, werner Gruber, Herbert Kolinsky, Alois Kainz, Matthias Laurenz Gräff (Photo by Günther Winkler)
Josef Wiesinger, Martina Diesner-Wais, Martin Litschauer, Günter Steindl, Georgia Kazantzidu, werner Gruber, Herbert Kolinsky, Alois Kainz, Matthias Laurenz Gräff

Dialog im Kamptal, "Dialog im Kamptal - Politik näher bringen" (Dialogue in Kamptal - Bring Politcs closer), september 10th 2019   (link)


Meeting of several members of the Austrian political party's SPÖ, ÖVP, FPÖ, NEOS and Die GRÜNEN at Gräff's Art Studio.


This event included:

* Physicist Univ-Doz Werner Gruber (member of the SPÖ)

* Herbert Kolinsky (NEOS)

* Martin Litschauer (Die GRÜNEN) 

* Dir Günter Steindl (SPÖ)

* Martina Diesner-Wais (member of the Austrian Parliament, ÖVP)

* Alois Kainz ((member of the Austrian Parliament, FPÖ)

* presenter Josef Wiesinger (member of the Federal Executive Board, SPÖ)


Newspaper links

I, https://m.noen.at/horn/polit-diskussion-was-braucht-das-waldviertel-gars-am-kamp-redaktionsfeed-politikerrunde-diskussion-martina-diesner-wais-guenter-steindl-martin-litschauer-alois-kainz-herbert-kolinsky-werner-gruber-josef-wiesinger-162113529

II, https://www.meinbezirk.at/horn/c-lokales/spitzenkandidaten-des-regionalwahlkreises-und-ehrengast-mag-werner-gruber-diskutierten-im-atelier-graeff_a3626298

Europe Dialogue in Kamptal, 2019

Douglas Hoyos-Trauttmansdorff, Christian Schuh, Wolfgang Petritsch, Werner Groiß, Walter Kogler (Photo Rupert Kornell, NÖN)
Douglas Hoyos-Trauttmansdorff, Christian Schuh, Wolfgang Petritsch, Werner Groiß, Walter Kogler

Dialog im Kamptal, "Europa-Dialog im Kamptal" (Europe Dialogue in Kamptal), may 6th 2019   (link)


Meeting of several members of the Austrian political party's SPÖ, ÖVP, NEOS and Die GRÜNEN at Gräff's Art Studio.


This event included:

* H.E. Ambassador Wolfgang Petritsch (former Top diplomat of the UNO and Austria, SPÖ)

* Douglas Hoyos-Trauttmansdorff (member of the Austrian parliament, NEOS)

* Werner Groiß (former member of the Austrian Parliament, ÖVP)

* Christian Schuh (candidate for the European elections 2019, SPÖ)

* Walter Kogler (district chairman of Horn, Die GRÜNEN)

* presenter Josef Wiesinger (member of the Federal Executive Board, SPÖ)


Newspaper links

I, https://www.meinbezirk.at/horn/c-lokales/europa-dialog-im-amptal-im-atelier-graeff_a3380733

II, https://www.meinbezirk.at/horn/c-politik/europa-dialog-im-kamptal-eu-wahl-am-26052019_a3374811

III, https://m.noen.at/horn/diskussion-in-zitternberg-graeff-atelier-empfaengt-zu-europa-dialog-im-kamptal-gars-am-kamp-europa-dialog-kamptal-matthias-laurenz-graeff-145554881

Inviatation by the Austrian political party NEOS, 2019

Invitation from Mr Stefan Egger, Federal Managing Director of the Austrian political party NEOS 

Themes where:

* Europe discussion at Gräffs studio

* A special art project between Gräff and NEOS, "United States of Europe"

Newspaper link

I, https://m.noen.at/horn/diskussion-in-zitternberg-graeff-atelier-empfaengt-zu-europa-dialog-im-kamptal-gars-am-kamp-europa-dialog-kamptal-matthias-laurenz-graeff-145554881